Graduate Resilience Alliance at Notre Dame (GRAND)

Master of Global Affairs Grads
Graduates of the Master of Global Affairs program celebrate the results of their dedication and resilience.

Acclimating to graduate student life can be challenging, especially in overcoming the sense of isolation that often accompanies the pursuit of an advanced degree. Studies have shown the importance of friendships and community for overall well-being and happiness at every stage of life. GRAND (Graduate Resilience Alliance at Notre Dame) is a program designed to familiarize first-year students with graduate life and resources at Notre Dame, and promote connection and social engagement with peers and the larger University community.

To accomplish these goals for our students, GRAND participants are assigned to small groups comprised of students from various backgrounds and disciplines which are led by senior graduate students who are both accomplished in their programs and active in their communities at Notre Dame. These small groups are designed as mentorship opportunities for students to explore resiliency skills and resources on and off campus, and create meaningful connections to their fellow grad students.

Additionally, the whole GRAND cohort meets 5 times over the semester for workshops exploring resiliency topics and skills taught by campus partners with expertise and experience in a wide array of subjects. The workshops and topics discussed throughout the semester are informed by empirical research from groups such as UPenn’s Positive Psychology Center, our very own McDonald Center for Student Well-being, and more!

GRAND is a semester-long program run in the fall and spring semesters. Fall applications open for incoming first-year grad students on April 15th. Spring applications open for first-year grad students on the Monday after the fall mid-semester break. If you have questions about the GRAND program, please contact Mimi Beck, program director for Graduate Student Life, at or 574-631-1221.