Thomas Bailey

Thomas Bailey

Arthur J. Schmitt Presidential Leadership Fellowship
Physics: PhD

What is your hometown?

Rowland, North Carolina

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Notre Dame?

Completed bachelor's degree in physics at NC State University

What obstacles did you overcome to attend Notre Dame?

Getting admitted, and then choosing Notre Dame over other programs I was accepted to

What do you research?

Use particle accelerators to measure extremely low concentrations of radioactive isotopes

Which Notre Dame clubs or activities do you enjoy?

The Graduate Physics Society

Do you live on campus or off?

off campus

What do you like to do in your spare time for fun? What hobbies do you enjoy?

Play video games, tend my garden, go out with friends, watch hockey, play piano, scuba dive

How do you unwind after a long day of work?/How do you practice self-care?

Go home and spend time with my wife, play video games, go on a walk

After you graduate, what would you like to do?

Move back to the South and find work either in industry or at a national lab in my field of study

Why did you choose Notre Dame?

Programs available, cost of living, stipend offered, campus culture